

Full Membership is available to any resident of the Isles of South Uist, Eriskay, North Uist or Benbecula or anyone wishing to make Askernish Golf Club their Home Club and/or play in competitions.

Annual subscription of £290 (For all adult members there is an SGU fee of £14.50 on top of the membership subscription) discounted to £150 for golfers under the age of 30 and £10 for those under the age of 16.

The yearly term of a Full Membership subscription is 1st June to 31st May

Memberships can be paid via cash, card, cheque via the Clubhouse OR BACS. 

For more information or any enquiries please contact


Benefits of a Full Membership 

  • Unlimited rounds of golf on Askernish Golf Course.

  • Free use of the putting green and driving range. 

  • Eligibility to play in all club competitions and to represent Askernish Golf Club in matches versus other golf clubs.

  • Access to the Member’s Hub & App.

  • Book in up to two non-members at a discounted rate of £25 (Must be accompanied by a member and
    intend to play the full 18 holes. Applies to a maximum of ten non-member guests
    per member per year.)

  • 10% discount on all Askernish Clubhouse purchases.



Country Membership is available to any non-resident of the Isles of South Uist, Eriskay, North Uist or Benbecula.
Annual subscription of £250 (For all adult members there is an SGU fee of £14.50 on top of the membership subscription)

If you wish Askernish Golf Club to be your Home Club and/or wish to play in Club competitions you will need to become a Full Member

The yearly term of a full or country membership subscription is 1st June to 31st May

Memberships can be paid via cash, card, cheque via the Clubhouse OR BACS & standing order. For more information or any enquiries please contact


Benefits of a Country Membership 

  • Unlimited rounds of golf on Askernish Golf Course.

  • Free use of the putting green and driving range. 

  • Access to the Member’s Hub & App. 

  • Book in up to two non-members at a discounted rate of £25
    (Must be accompanied by a member and intend to play the full 18 holes. Applies to a maximum of ten non-member guests per member per year.)

  • 10% discount on all Askernish Clubhouse purchases.

You will be supporting the continued development and restoration of this unique and historic course, for your enjoyment and that of future generations.

Click HERE to become a member.


Categories & Fees (including SGU Fee @ £14.50 for all adult members) 



Full Playing Members


Country Members


Youth Members (16-30)


Junior Members


Twilight Members


Life Membership

SGU Fee will be charged annually for all lifetime members 




FFFull Membership

Full Membership



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